People and Portrait


The course today was around the city.

I do not know how long I sat there, not moving, watching the people passing by on the street. It may have been several hours.

It was a temperature of twenty-eight, and the sky was with a perfect cloudless blue to not disturb the magnificent landscape.

I had my camera with me at the moment, it was important to walk with it everywhere, at any moment, something could appear that would catch my attention.

In fact, there was something that caught my attention, the people who were moving in an accelerated way, by the river of the city.

The shadows cast on the floor were, of course, beautiful; Everything was in perfect harmony: Time, the smell of flowers, people with a contagious aura.

It was too perfect – a city full of life and light.

In one go, thousands of shots were fired from the camera, every move was important to remember later that hot summer afternoon.

O passeio hoje foi pela cidade.

Não sei durante quanto tempo ali permaneci sentada, sem me mover, a observar as pessoas que iam passando na rua. Poderão ter passado várias horas.

Estava uma temperatura de vinte e oito graus e o céu tingido de um azul perfeito e sem nuvens a atrapalhar a paisagem magnífica.

Tinha comigo a minha máquina fotográfica, no momento, era imprescindível não andar com ela para todo o lado – a qualquer momento poderia aparecer algo que chamasse a minha atenção.

Na verdade, havia algo que me chamou atenção, as pessoas que circulavam de uma forma acelerada, junto do rio da cidade.

As sombras projectadas no chão eram, evidentemente, belas; tudo estava em perfeita harmonia: O tempo, o cheiro das flores, as pessoas com uma aura contagiante.

Era demasiado perfeito – uma cidade cheia de vida e luz.

De uma só vez, saiam milhares de disparos da máquina fotográfica, cada movimento era importante – para mais tarde recordar aquela tarde quente de verão.


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